Tuesday, April 25, 2017

What's Happening Now at Seneca Meadows

     By Kellie Murphy

     Over 100 people attended the public hearing conducted by the Seneca Falls Town Board in March 2017. The meeting was regarding the proposed Local Law 2 2017 which would rescind Local Law 3 of 2016. Local Law 3 of 2016 will close Seneca Meadows Landfill by December 31, 2025 as well as prohibit new solid waste disposal facilities in the town. The law was passed with regards of helping with odor and other environmental impacts on the area. 

      Those in favor of passing Local Law 2 to rescind Local Law 3 argue that closing the landfill will lead to eliminated jobs, higher taxes, and poor economic stability. They are skeptical of the negative environmental stigma surrounding the landfill, claiming that it has no little factual basis.     

     Those opposed of passing Local Law 2 complain that the odor is just simply too strong to ignore anymore. Residents can't open their windows or walk down the street comfortably, and they believe closing the landfill will improve their quality of life greatly. Many are also worried about the plethora of unknown toxic chemicals buried so close to home. Employment for other businesses is dwindling because no one wants to move so close to the landfill for a new job.     

      Seneca Meadows filed a lawsuit against the town demanding legal fees, costs, and more to compensate for the closing. The Seneca Falls Town Board remains divided on the issue and is leaving it to the courts to decide the fate of the town.

Annotated Bibliography

Finger Lakes Times

"Seneca Meadows Sues; Landfill Fights Seneca Falls Local Law 3." Finger Lakes Times. N.p., 05 Feb. 2017. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.

SHAW, DAVID L. "LAW OF THE LAND(FILL): Both Sides Heard at Public Meeting on Local Law 2 in Seneca Falls." Finger Lakes Times. N.p., 30 Mar. 2017. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.

The Finger Lakes Times was chosen as a reliable source because it is written by people that live in the area being directly affected. They also got an inside look on the local perspective from all sides of the issue.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Public Campaign

Our group members created posters to hang around campus encouraging waste free habits. Check them out or create your own!